woensdag 1 november 2006

The Wallpaper. At the end of September, after our weekend trip to Brussels, I returned full of energy, ready to tackle almost everything in the house. I started by peeling a corner of the wallpaper away in the upstairs hall, to see what was underneath. And I became obsessed, spending hours patiently peeling away centimeter after centimeter. I was Crazy Wallpaper Peeling Lady, seriously, too serious to use a scraper or wallpaper remover -- no, no, it had to be peeled. That was the first week. In the second week I had begun to develop my own vocabulary for wallpaper peeling and was starting to rate the peels, based on square centimeterage, and was fast approaching Yellow Wallpaper levels of insanity. The madness had spread to the downstairs hall and the attic stairs.... Then we had guests for a week and then Anna was sick for a few days and Mirthe's fall break began. And I totally lost my wallpaper peeling mojo, and can't even bribe myself into beginning again. At this point I'd rather peel my own fingernails off. (Which is what I was doing back when I was C W P L, but hey, at least then there was progress in addition to the broken fingernails...) Posted by Picasa

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