maandag 27 november 2006
Gelukkig zijn er ook leuke dingen in ons leventje gekomen, zoals muziekles op maandagochtend. Een heerlijk begin van de week, lekker zingen en dansen van 09.30 tot 10.15. Hier is Anna met Marlies en juf Cobie, die een beetje TE veel van spinnenliedjes houdt... (Met uitzondering van Op een grote paddestoel en Voetje voetje voetje, wat ga je doen? komt er in elk liedje een spin voor!)
vrijdag 24 november 2006
woensdag 22 november 2006
Gisteren heeft Anna haar aardappelstempel (van een ster) voorzichtig met gouden verf geverfd, zorgvuldig op het papier gestempeld, en haar kwast gepakt om het allemaal te herhalen, zeker een uur lang (!) Haar Starry Starry Night schilderij is nog niet af, maar als het zover is dan post ik zeker een foto (hij wordt moooooooi!)
maandag 20 november 2006
Memories Monday
On rainy days, when my mom didn't know what to do with the three of us anymore, she'd sometimes march us down into the basement/playroom and dump a bunch of puzzles in a pile on the floor -- literally, out of their boxes and into one huge pile, all mixed up together. "There," she'd say and make a motion with her hands as if she were dusting them off. "You can come back up when they're done. Have fun." And she'd stomp back up the stairs (clogs, you know) to do whatever it is mothers do when their children are otherwise occupied. (Sit on the couch and eat bonbons while watching the 70's equivalent of Oprah?)
But we liked puzzles, so it wasn't really a punishment. The first task was to sort everything back into separate piles. We then each took an easy puzzle -- the Disney puzzles (64 pieces) or one with horses (50 pieces) -- and did that alone. After that we worked together on the puzzles with 200, 300, 400 pieces, one by one, always in the same order: the edges (flatties, we called them) and then the sky, if there was a sky. Then segments of the puzzles -- a boat, a house, a ball gown. These would be carefully lifted into the puzzle frame and we'd fill in the empty spaces with the pieces that didn't belong to one thing. As a puzzle neared completion the competition would pick up slightly, we'd start rushing, trying to be the one who laid the last piece in its place. Sometimes there would be hiding of pieces under the rug, so that you could pull them out at the last minute, feigning surprise that you'd found the missing piece. But this was generally frowned upon as it didn't help keep up the team spirit, the kids vs. Mom spirit of a rainy afternoon.
On rainy days, when my mom didn't know what to do with the three of us anymore, she'd sometimes march us down into the basement/playroom and dump a bunch of puzzles in a pile on the floor -- literally, out of their boxes and into one huge pile, all mixed up together. "There," she'd say and make a motion with her hands as if she were dusting them off. "You can come back up when they're done. Have fun." And she'd stomp back up the stairs (clogs, you know) to do whatever it is mothers do when their children are otherwise occupied. (Sit on the couch and eat bonbons while watching the 70's equivalent of Oprah?)
But we liked puzzles, so it wasn't really a punishment. The first task was to sort everything back into separate piles. We then each took an easy puzzle -- the Disney puzzles (64 pieces) or one with horses (50 pieces) -- and did that alone. After that we worked together on the puzzles with 200, 300, 400 pieces, one by one, always in the same order: the edges (flatties, we called them) and then the sky, if there was a sky. Then segments of the puzzles -- a boat, a house, a ball gown. These would be carefully lifted into the puzzle frame and we'd fill in the empty spaces with the pieces that didn't belong to one thing. As a puzzle neared completion the competition would pick up slightly, we'd start rushing, trying to be the one who laid the last piece in its place. Sometimes there would be hiding of pieces under the rug, so that you could pull them out at the last minute, feigning surprise that you'd found the missing piece. But this was generally frowned upon as it didn't help keep up the team spirit, the kids vs. Mom spirit of a rainy afternoon.
vrijdag 17 november 2006
Mirthes vriendinnetje (de grote) Anna kwam vanmiddag spelen/knutselen. We hebben Pietjes gemaakt, toen (de kleine) Anna sliep. Ik heb dus een Pietje voor (de kleine) Anna gemaakt, voor straks bij het kacheltje (idee schaamteloos gejat van Jo :-) dat Mirthe en ik ook deze week hebben gekutseld. Morgenochtend alles in elkaar zetten en we zijn er klaar voor!
donderdag 16 november 2006
Anna en ik hadden eindelijk tijd vandaag om foto's te maken van de kudde schapen die bij ons in het park aan het grazen zijn. Met herder, en herdershond. Een project van de gemeente, ik vind het zo leuk om die schapen te zien elke ochtend als we naar school fietsen -- ik zal ze missen als ze eind deze week terug gaan naar "huis" (wil nog een foto van ze maken als ze aan het lopen zijn, gewoon op straat -- nou dat is leuke verkeersverhindering!)
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