zaterdag 1 maart 2008

This little one had the stomach flu this weekend -- started on Friday, when she was crabby as all get out, scratched Mirthe so hard she drew blood, failed twice to make it to the WC on time, and knocked over her juice at every meal -- and ended on Saturday, after she threw up for the fifth time (I will never be able to eat my world famous chili again) and slept most of the day away on the couch. She went to bed at her usual time and never looked back.

Here's Mirthe looking cross because Mama is paying too much attention to Anna and because Mirthe could be sick too, you know? No, I didn't know. But I should have.

Mirthe fell asleep on my bed during the Idols finale, after I had spent an hour rubbing her stomach, trying to make her tummyache go away. I carried her to the guest bed, set a bucket next to her, and ran another load of Anna's throwup laundry. By the time I got back upstairs she had thrown up, in her sleep, and it was everywhere. Kid in bath, bedlinnen and matress downstairs, floor mopped, walls washed (with the lights on, and Anna slept through it all), kid out of bath and toweled dry and we were just in time to see Nikki win. Mirthe passed out again on my bed, and I put her on a cot in our room, in case she threw up a second time.

Fortunately she didn't, and she spent Sunday on the couch, under a blanket, until I started feeling not so hot myself and kicked her off :-) For half an hour I got to lay there doing nothing, and then life continued. Wash needed to be done. Folded. Put away. Dinner was a sandwich and strawberries, the best I could do. They crashed early and I am so glad they did, and that they were well enough to go to school today! I had a few powernaps and am feeling much better.

5 opmerkingen:

Fleur zei

Sjonge, dat was wat je noemt een weekendje 'from hell'!
Wat heerlijk dat ze toch nu naar school konden gaan en jij weer even kon denken aan; NIKS!

Anoniem zei

Hoi Sanne,heavy weekend voor jullie allemaal....
Hopelijk blijven je meisjes nu goed gezond en heb jij je extra wassen weer schoon in de kast.
Koop een paar lekkere paaseitjes, daar knap je van op :-)

Groetjes Angelique

jojoco zei

Sjee Susan,

Dat is een weekend om niet meer op terug te kijken. Ik hoop dat je deze week een beetje kunt bijtanken...

Patricia zei

Jeetje, wat een drama he! Bah...
Hopelijk is het nu weer voorbij...

Francine zei

I have that one now. It's been puke-haven here for two freakin' weeks.

But anyway. I got your package yesterday and I just wanted to thank you for being you.