donderdag 17 augustus 2006

Memories Wednesday

Late dusk, way past the kids' bedtime. We stop by Rinze and Wilma's, to see if Rinze can help dismantle a garden shed in Drachten this Saturday. Wilma's just heading out to walk the dogs, Eric and Rinze are sitting inside, where the TV is set to soccer and on maximum volume, and the Dutch gin-and-colas have just been poured, and cigarettes are being lighted and waved around as the enthousiasm grows. Mirthe has disappeared with Rosanna and Vanessa, somewhere in that wonderful rabbit-run house. It's approaching 9.30 PM but they're somewhere unreachable, hidden, putting on makeup and dressing up in sequined clothes, giggling and feeling that incredibly happy "YES WE'RE NOT IN BED YET" feeling, that summer vacation feeling, because you don't have to get up early anyway.

That leaves Anna and me. We don't fit in, we're overwhelmed by all that movement and noise. I whisper in her ear, "Anna, let's go outside and pet the kitties." Her face lights up and she takes me by the hand, out into the cool dark evening.

Wilma and Rinze have two cats, one that's allowed to run wild and another one that's tethered up by the clothesline. Why, I'm not sure. But that's the one that Anna loves, a youngish patchwork cat with a beautiful tail. I don't even know her name, we just call her Kitty.

"Hey Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. Hey Kitty." Anna hunches down and holds out her hand, mimicking me. She makes little meowing noises and laughs with pure joy when Kitty brushes up against her outheld hand. It tickles and Anna is overwhelmed by the wonder of it all, tries to hug poor Kitty who runs to the other end of her tether, away from this sudden expression of love.

I can already feel the tears forming in Anna's eyes and try to get my explanation together as fast as I can, as to why Kitty is there while we are here but for once, I don't have to say anything. Anna quiets herself down, kneels in the grass. Holds out her hand and makes little meowing noises. Kitty reconsiders, moves a few steps closer. Anna is so excited she can hardly breathe, but keeps her hand held out, keeps meowing. Finally Kitty is close enough to pet. Anna's eyes are shining, it's dusk but I can see them shining. She runs her fingers through the soft fur and looks at me. "That's how you do that, Mama."

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Wat is ze lief en slim en bijzonder, jullie Anna!

Fleur zei

Diepe zucht; prachtig!

(En de foto van haar in dat prachtige lieve vestje past er helemaal bij. Ook leuk om Mirthe zo tevrede en blij op de achtergrond te zien)