Tagged by Fleur* for Five Weird Things About Me:1. I like washing dishes. I like seeing a pile of dirty dishes transformed into a rack of clean ones, drying by themselves, in the sun on my kitchen counter. I like all the colors against my blue HEMA dishrack. We now have a dishwasher, and yeah, I use it -- but sometimes, when I don't feel like emptying the dishwasher, which is ALL the time actually -- I just wash the dishes by hand. Then in the afternoon, before Eric comes home, I have to hustle and get everything put away, so that my
secret life as a dishwashing junkie stays that way.
2. I don't own a cell phone.I'm thinking of starting a support group for the other 17 people in the Netherlands who don't own one either.
I used to have one. Eric brought it home for me, a few months after Mirthe was born. I wanted to be able to call 112 (the Dutch 911) if anything ever happened. But we hardly ever went anywhere, and I kept forgetting to upload the battery, and finally I
forgot what my number was and lived in fear that someone would ask me for my number and I wouldn't be able to say. It now lives in the Junk Drawer of the filing cabinet.
Eric has two, so our household comes in average :-)
3. I cannot eat 6 of something. 5, or 7, but not 6. Or 2, 4, 8 or 9. 10 is good. Still with me?
4. I'm a Royal Watcher.It's awful, I know. But man I dig that princess stuff. I got up at 4AM to watch Diana get married -- I was what, 14? 15? I set my alarm all by myself, and watched the wedding down in the (pretty scary at 4AM) basement, from beginning to end. Fergie, Maxima, Laurentien. Mirthe and I watch them together now, checking out all the cool hats, who has the best dress, who's crying. Who's a princess, and who's not. Mirthe's main focus is, of course, the high heels. She gives the commentary on that integral part of the costume. We drink tea and have yummy cakes. It's good clean fun.
I watch the funerals too. And Queen's Day, and speeches, and reporters standing outside hospitals, waiting for princesses to be born. But not the Royal Watcher shows,
'cause that would be really crazy.5.
I take a shower the same way every day.Hot water, soap up, rinse off. Wash face, wash ears, rinse off. Wash hair, rinse. Conditioner, comb through, rinse. Turn the water to freezing, and rinse face and hair one more time.
(Rinse is freaking me out a little up there, the way it's spelled. Is that how you spell it? I don't want to spellcheck.)
This tried and true showering method was advocated by TEEN magazine, 25 years ago, and I bought every word. Still do. If I deviate even just a little, I feel icky all day long.
Now... who can I tag?Mijk: