woensdag 6 april 2005

Yesterday Anna had her last shots -- the BMR and the Men-C (I'm not even going to pretend I know how to spell meningitis in either Dutch or English) She didn't seem to mind the shots at all, after the first agonizing minutes -- but when we got home and I started getting dinner ready while the girls were playing in the living room, she took a nasty fall from her trike and that just threw her for a loop. She cried off and on until she went to bed. She'd missed 2/3 of her nap because of the shots, so she was already really tired -- and she must have had one heck of a headache after that fall. Anyway, she ate two pieces of cucumber and a Danoontje (yoghurt-like dessert for kids here) and went to bed at 6.30 (together with Mirthe who was also looking a little peaked) -- an hour and a half before her usual bedtime. My evening felt so long, by the time I went to bed at 11.30 it was like I was pulling an allnighter again.... Posted by Hello Today, the Day After The Fall, you can see her big blue bump, above her left eye.

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