donderdag 25 juni 2009

My newest niece

A few weeks ago my brother John and his wife Marlene had their second child, a daughter: Meghan Nicole.

She looks a lot like Mirthe did at that age, thanks in part to the anti-scratching mitts :-)

Big brother Gregory has the most gorgeous curls (and a Hema onesie!)

And because there will be a lot of late-night-walking-the-floors-with-fussy/awake-baby in the coming weeks (months?) here's a little entertainment for ya John, I know you'll appreciate it like I did (and I don't even have a fussy/awake baby!) Came across it this morning in my Bloglines, via Flotsam:

For some strange reason, it reminds me of roadtrips to Calvin, those late summer days, a packed-to-the-gills car and all the songs we used to sing along that endless stretch of 80, knowing we were going back to school. By the time the end of summer rolls around this year, Meghan will be four, five months old and things will be easier. Hang in there bro!

2 opmerkingen:

Mirjam zei

Gefeliciteerd met de geboorte van jullie nichtje!

Dat rompertje heeft Levi ook ;o)

sandig zei

Missing you - took some time to go through the photos on your blog. The girls are growing up sooo fast. XO Sandi