vrijdag 28 juli 2006


1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? No.

2. Do you close your eyes on a roller coaster? No.

3. When's the last time you've been sledding? In college, on trays we "borrowed" from the dining hall. I don't remember how/if we returned them, probably stashed them in the dorm room until the end of the year.

4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? I'm a horribly light sleeper, so I sleep better alone. Maar gezellig is het niet ;-) With the exception of the two hospital stays, and Eric's OR initiation weekend, we've never slept apart.

5. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes.

6. Do you consider yourself creative? Yes, in certain ways. It's a very steady, perfectionistic creativity -- not spontaneous.

7. You think O.J. killed his wife? Yes.

8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? Angelina Jolie!

9. Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics? Not much about Dutch politics. I get to vote this time around, so I'm going to start getting more informed. After the boxes are unpacked :-)

10. Do you know how to play poker? Nope. The most advanced card game I know how to play is gin rummy. Pretty good at that.

11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? Yes, and I got an A for my efforts.

12. What's your favorite commercial? I loved that commercial (for Sony?) with the bouncing super balls, in the streets of (San Francisco?) Loved it because of the music and the visual image of all those balls bouncing, even if it is computer generated. That was the commercial I'd stop washing dishes for.

13. Who was your first love? Bonovox of O'Connell Street.

14. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around you, do you run a red light? Wouldn't you?

15. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? Yes.

16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees? Yankees!

17. Have you ever been Ice Skating? Many, many times.

18. How often do you remember your dreams? Maybe four or five times a year. Like I said: light sleeper, especially since having children, and I don't get into REM sleep very often.

19. What's the one thing on your mind? How many boxes yet to unpack, and how many things we still have to assemble, and when when WHEN is this heat wave going end?

20. Do you always wear your seat belt? Always. Got a ticket for not wearing one, and since then I've been a good girl.

21. What talent do you wish you had? I've always wanted to have a medical training, for EMT, so that I could help in accidents or disasters. So that I'd be prepared to help, if needed. I would not want to be an EMT in every day life, that is not something I could leave behind at the end of the day. I'd take it home and be a wreck.

22. Do you like Sushi? I've never had sushi. I'm allergic to shellfish, and anything that even smells a little bit fishy, makes me nauseous. With the exception of tunafish salad, MY tunafish salad, which needs to be chilled and eaten within 30 minutes of making it. Otherwise it smells A LOT fishy.

23. What do you wear to bed? PJ's. Socks, in the winter. I sleep with the window open, all year long.

24. Do you truly hate anyone? No.

25. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? Ted Hughes. But he's dead, so that's a no go.

26. Do you know anyone in jail? No. People who have BEEN in jail, but no one currently serving time.

27. What food do you find disgusting? Mushrooms. They have the texture of human flesh. (Bite your forearm. See? Just like mushrooms.) And bread pudding.

28. Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back? No.

29. Have you ever been punched in the face? Thank goodness, no. My children do seem to have a talent for sticking fingers in my eye(s).

30. Do you believe in angels and demons? Yes. Absolutely. Have felt the presence of both.

I'm so out of it, in Blogland, and I have no idea who's had this one already -- so if you haven't been tagged and feel like a little meme, go ahead!

1 opmerking:

Paule zei

leuk om allemaal te lezen!
En knap dat je tussen alle dozen door de tijd kon vinden om de vragen te beantwoorden!!!
Ben weer een beetje meer te weten gekomen over een 'blogkennis' :-)