maandag 6 maart 2006

Memories Monday

Brenda at has started "Memories Monday" and I said I'd begin this week :-) so here goes:

I'm sitting in my high chair, eating my dinner, which is pork chops and applesauce (and probably some sort of vegetable.) I say to my parents that pork chops and applesauce belong together. My parents agree. It is quiet at the table, I think this is before there were brothers. I would have been just shy of two? Maybe there was a brother, maybe sleeping somewhere in a bedroom. Dinner was peaceful and I felt happy being with my parents, just the three of us. And I liked that they agreed with me, that pork chops and applesauce belong together.

3 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Sweet memory!

Fleur zei


sandig zei

Did you ever see that episode of the Brady Bunch.... Pork Chops n Apple sauce... reminded me of it... I know kinda weird. Now when I eat them I will think of you. -sooo much better!

Fun memory.
sending my love!