zaterdag 7 mei 2005

What to do with all your little leftover bits of wool felt. I saw something similar on a blog (one of those wonderful Portugese blogs that I linked up with from Karin's blog -- thanks Karin!) although I think that was made from scraps of paper. I can't read Portugese, so I'm not sure if it's her idea or just a photo she made -- one of these days I'll find the link and list it here (for those of you who DO read Portugese :-)

Update: I took a better look and I think it's bias tape (not sure) and here's the link: (scroll way down to 30.04.05) and here's the link to Karin's blog: and nu ga ik snel afwassen en puinruimen zodat ik op tijd ben voor CSI en Las Vegas. Posted by Hello

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