Pake snaps beans on the back porch. He's got two vintage Texasware bowls there, I'd forgotten that my mom has them. They're bigger than mine and have funkier colors, still I like the ones I have the best. Funny how that goes. I made your potato salad this weekend Mom, the one Uncle Arthur always liked so much. The one you always made in the big yellow bowl, with the plastic lid. I made mine in my bigger Texasware bowl, and after it had set up for a while in the fridge I transferred it to the big yellow bowl I'd bought a while ago at the AH. Somehow that bowl makes it taste better :-)
This is a painting I did almost twenty years ago. It seems like a lifetime ago. (I'd forgotten that my mom had this, too.) I like the way you have it in the window, with the little perfume bottle next to it. When I look at this picture I can smell the breeze coming through the window, fresh sea breeze, scented with pine and blueberries. But I can also smell the painting, all those years ago, the layers and layers of oil paint. How the corner of the painting studio that was mine smelled, musty, dusty. All that sanding of gesso before I actually got to paint. It's a small painting, done on a hardwood plank -- walnut? Cherry? It took a long time to paint, despite its size. It amazes me to think of those days. The whole day in which to paint, no interruptions but the ones you make yourself. When I think about trying to paint like that now, in my life right now, my head explodes. There are days, many days, when I don't even get to go to the bathroom alone, without running commentary and/or interruption. And I look back on my twenty-something self and think, girl you didn't know what you had. Or what you would miss, twenty years on.
This is the screen porch, if you look through the right window you can just see a bit of my dad's silver hair as he's snapping those beans. I think I'd spend a lot of time out here, if I ever get to visit. I like me a porch with screens.
Mom's flower garden this year. Oh, poppies. And the grass is looking good, Dad! (The grass is always greener on the other side of the ocean...)
This is overlooking the bay. I love those big rocks. If I were, say, six-years-old -- those would be my horses and I would be a cowgirl, rounding them up.
3 opmerkingen:
Oohhh wat prachtig!!! Sjeetje daar zou ik heel wat uren/dagen/weken/maanden kunnen vertoeven zeg!!
Mis je het niet enorm om hier in Nederland te wonen?
Ik ben slechts 2 keer een aantal maanden in Amerika geweest maar ben echt totaal verliefd op dat land geworden en zou er zo heen emigreren had ik geen kids gehad.
Ik mis de mensen daar, en bepaalde dingen (zoals autorijden met een geldig rijbewijs) en vooral de landschappen. Hoe alles zo open en groot is. Hoe je echt uren kan rondrijden en altijd iets nieuws tegenkomen en nooit in een file stilstaan.
Maar de sfeer is, volgens mijn ouders en vrienden, echt veranderd na 11 september. Er is meer angst, minder vrijheid, minder hoop. Misschien waren we te naive geweest, maar mensen kijken nu vaker over hun schouder. Ze letten meer op. Je hebt niet meer het idee dat alles mogelijk is.
For a moment I thought you were here! My heart skipped a beat.
Your parents place looks great - as usual.
Dylan is off to college this week.
Feeling a little overwhelmed to say the least.
Missing you.
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